Nov 05, 2021
Sheri Voss, assistant professor and director of the MSED B-12 Literacy program, presented on the science of reading as it relates to early childhood literacy development at the Erie 2 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES Early Learning Forum held on Oct.
This forum consists of early learning educators from E2CCB’s 27 component districts. Its members meet to discuss up-to-date best practices.
The presentation was the first in a two-part series that Voss calls "Falling in Love With Reading for Struggling Elementary Readers.” She will be presenting again at the forum’s Dec. 10 meeting, focusing on skills that can be
gained through literacy activities for young readers along with strategies for students who are not reading at grade level.
Voss will present at a virtual statewide conference in March that incorporates science of reading lenses with a focus on teacher development and privileging teacher expertise.